Is this the best backpack ever?


Planning the perfect trip takes a lot of organisation and research, but how much thought does the average person put into picking the right bag for the journey? In this module, learners consider the effects of forces and the properties of materials in order to choose the ideal bag for the trip of their dreams. Integrating the skills needed to plan a fair investigation, collect and present valid data and create a podcast, this is much more scientific than choosing their favourite colour. At the end of this module students will have gained confidence in thinking analytically and communicating complicated ideas.

Based on the CGC module "Is this the best backpack?" by Dr. Gareth Price

Module Duration

30 hours


Online Sessions + Offline Tasks

Learning Outcomes

Language & Literacy
  1. Development of listening skills
  2. Reflective writing
  3. Communication scientific ideas using writing
Technology & Art
  1. Using software to create a podcast
  2. Using an understanding of design to create an effective poster
Maths & Science
  1. Relate the use of materials to their physical properties
  2. Identify weight as a force
  3. Comparing and ordering numbers
  4. Collecting and presenting numerical data
Module designed by
Elaine Chew

Elaine Chew is one of Neobael's team of module designers. Our expert team spends hundreds of hours crafting and designing modules like "Is this the best backpack ever?"